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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Satellite Card Sharing Dreambox Image Setup Guide


For the Dreambox DM800 HD

These guides can be adapted for other Dreamboxes, but we do not make any guarentees that it will work on other boxes or on the DM800 HD, this is only a guide to get you started, if in doubt Google or ask support.
Recommended: Nabilo Black Hole v0.12 image.
  1.      Get your box ready for the Nabilo Black Hole v0.12 image.
Latest image at time of writing 24th June 2010: v0.12

To do this, go to the Dreambox images page (or another source for the latest Nabilo Dreambox image) and follow the link to "Dreambox Upload" download the image for the DM800 HD (or your box if you are not using a DM800 HD), be sure to unzip the file when you have downloaded it.
For this example we are using: Dreambox Upload -> Dreambox DM800 DM8000 hd ->

Find the IP address of your box, check this in the Menu -> System -> Network area on your Dreambox, note it down and using a computer on the same network, you should be able to open a web browser and enter the IP address (in the format of "") in the address bar, if all is ok, you should see the Dreambox Webcontrol panel. You will need to be able to access your box from your web browser for this setup procedure. There are other procedures to flash your box, but this is the easiest.

So verify you can access your Dreambox with your computer and browser. If so, continue. If not, try connecting with another method, maybe the Dreambox Tool below.

Another method to connect and flash your box is to use "Dreambox Tools". This is beyond this tutorial, however if you google your questions about DreamboxTools you are sure to find help on the subject.
Download: Dreambox Upload -> Dreambox Tools
    1.      Load the Nabilo Black Hole v0.12 image to your Dreambox.
    Notes: Depending on how your Dreambox is connected to your computer (through a hub or directly with crossover cable), you need to know the IP address of the box once it has been rebooted. The address will be shown on the Dreambox OLED display once you reboot in the format of something like

    1. To reboot, press Menu, then go to Restart/Reboot, go to "Deep Shutdown" (this may be called something else but look for something similar).
    2. Once this has finished and says it is safe to turn your box off, you can unplug the box.
    3. Now plug the box back into the power, press and hold the front power button, keep it held until you see the OLED display show a *STOP* message.
    4. Shortly after this the IP address shown is the current boxes IP address, use this to connect to the box from your PC with your web browser and upload the software.
    5. In your web browser (Internet Explorer, FireFox etc...) type the IP address into the address bar (without any www or http should be fine).
    6. This should now show a web page that will allow you to upload your image, see the link at the bottom of the page, it should say something like "Firmware upgrade", click it.
    7. Then you can browse to the Nabilo Black Hole image. Make sure the file has been unzipped and has the file extension of .nfi, once you have selected the file, click "Flash".
    8. The software will then upload the image to the dreambox. This may take some time, so just wait for it. Do not interrupt it.
    9. Once the progress bar shows 100% and it says "Finished" You can either click "Reboot" to reboot the box, if not, just unplug the box, wait 10 seconds, then reconnect the box to the power.

      Now, with any luck you will have loaded the new Nabilo Black Hole v0.12 image loaded onto your Dreambox.
      Go though the setup procedure and setup your box as normal.

      You should remember that any preferences, bouquets or favourites will be lost when flashing the box to a different/new image.
      1.      Setup channels and search for service providers.
      You will need to go to the Menu -> Setup -> Automatic channel scan part and set the satellite you want to receive from and perform a scan for the channels. (IE Sky UK 28.2e) This will take some time to complete, once finished, press Exit.
      1. I    Install the latest CCcam files to the box.
      1. Exit all menus and press the Green button (Nabilosat Green Panel) on your remote control, then the yellow button (Addons Manager)
      2. Now select Addons Download Manager -> Nabilo E2 Image Cams -> It will connect to the internet and download a list of Cccam files to choose from.
      3. From the list, select the CCcam file with the highest version number, at the moment Cccam_2.14 is the latest version.
      4. Press OK to select the package, then the Green button to download, then install it.
      5. Once it has finished installing, it will see a Installed OK message. Close all open screens.
      6. Press the Blue button, then select the left or right arrow to select Cccam_2.14.
      7. Once selected, press the OK button. It will then start the selected Cam.
        1.      Connect to the box and edit the CCcam.cfg file.
        Use our easy to use C: Line CCcam.cfg file editor, download it for free here.

        1. Use an FTP program connect to your Dreambox IP address (you may need to set the username to "root") and navigate to the /var/etc directory.
        2. In here you will find a file called CCcam.cfg. You must now edit this file.
        3. In the CCcam.cfg file you must add the C: lines that you were given in the email we sent to you when you signed up. Notes: It is best to empty your CCcam.cfg file by deleting all lines in the file, then adding the C: lines from us.
          Lines that begin with a # character are ignored.
        4. Save the changes to CCcam.cfg and overwrite the CCcam.cfg (or re-upload the modified CCcam.cfg file) on the Dreambox with the FTP program.

          This is it, you shouldn't need to reboot your box, give it 10-20 seconds and your channels should be working.

          Gemini image.
          1. Get your box ready for the Gemini image.
          To do this, go to the Gemini page (or another source for the latest Gemini Dreambox image) and download the image for the DM800 HD, be sure to unzip the file if it is zipped.
          Make sure you can see the Dreambox TV control (or Dreambox WebControl) in your web browser. This is done by having your Dreambox connected to your network, either by crossover cable directly to your PC or via a HUB or Router.
          Once you know you can connect to your Dreambox with your computer, you can begin to load the Gemini image.
            1. Load the Gemini image to your Dreambox.
            Depending on how your Dreambox is connected to your computer (through a hub or directly), you need to know the IP address of the box once it has been rebooted.
            If you use a DHCP server, this will automatically assign an IP address to your Dreambox, this will be shown on the Dreambox OLED display once you reboot.
            To reboot, press Menu, then go to Restart/Reboot, go to "Deep Shutdown" (this may be called something else, it depends on what name the make of the image you are using wanted to call it).
            Once this has finished, you can unplug the box.
            Now plug the box back into the power, press and hold the front power button, keep it held until you see the OLED display show a DHCP/IP address message.
            The IP address show is the current boxes IP address, use this to connect to the box and upload the software.
            In your web browser (Internet Explorer, FireFox etc...) type the IP address into the address bar (without any www or http etc..)
            This should now show a web page that will allow you to click browse and upload the image.
            Click browse and navigate to the image file you want to copy to your Dreambox then click upload/submit.
            This will copy the image file to your Dreambox and show you the progress.
            Once finished you can reboot your box (remove the power connector and re-connect after 5-10 seconds)
            Now, with any luck you will have loaded the new Gemini image onto your Dreambox.
            Go though the setup procedure and setup your box as normal.

            You should remember that any preferences, bouquets or favourites will be lost when flashing the box to a different/new image.
              1. Setup channels and search for service providers.
              You will need to go to the Menu/Setup part and set the satellite you want to receive from and perform a scan for the channels. This will take some time to complete, once finished, press Exit.
                1. If CCcam is already installed on your Dreambox, set it as your default Cam.
                From blue panel, go to top of panel and use left/right buttons to scroll to CCcam 2.1.11 (or your current CCcam version)
                Now press the Green button to start CCcam
                Press Exit to return to the TV
                Press Menu and select Shutdown followed by Restart
                When your Dreambox reboots it will use CCcam as the default cam

                If you still cannot get your CCcam to make a connection to our servers then please contact us.
                When you contact us please send us your CCcam.cfg file from your receiver and include your public IP address in your message.
                Your public IP address is
                  1. If CCcam is not installed, follow the installation instructions.
                  Go to blue panel by pressing blue button on remote
                  Go to Addons. In there you will see download categories which contain cam and cam-config
                  First go to cam and install cccam 2.1.11 or the latest version available
                  Then from cam-config install cccam-config 2.1.11 or the latest version available
                  From blue panel go to top of panel and use left/right buttons to scroll to CCcam 2.1.11 (or the version you have installed above)
                  Now press the Green button to start CCcam
                    1. FTP to the box and edit the CCcam.cfg file.
                    Use our easy to use C: Line CCcam.cfg file editor, download it for free here.

                    Use an FTP program connect to your Dreambox IP address (you may need to set the username to "root") and navigate to the /var/etc directory.
                    In here you will find a file called CCcam.cfg. You must now edit this file
                    In CCcam.cfg you must add the C: line that you were given in the email we sent to your PayPal registered email address
                    Save the changes to CCcam.cfg and overwrite the CCcam.cfg (or re-upload the modified CCcam.conf file) on the Dreambox with the FTP program.

                      This is it, you shouldn't need to reboot your box, give it 10-20 seconds and your channels should be working.

                      Please note, you dont have to be running a Dreambox with any of the images listed above, you can run any decoder box, with any operating system, even a PC to receive your signal, but you must be using CCcam, as this is what most Card Sharing systems uses to decode the encrypted signal.

                      Satellite Card Sharing Support

                      Dreambox/CCcam Support

                      How to: Test your Dreambox internet connection

                      Go to blue panel by pressing blue button on your remote
                      Go to Addons.
                      Go To download (Gemini-Server)
                      If you receive an error then your Dreambox has no working Internet connection. You must resolve this problem before your cardshare will work.

                      If CCcam is already installed on your Dreambox, set it as your default Cam

                      From blue panel, go to top of panel and use left/right buttons to scroll to CCcam 2.1.11 (or your current CCcam version)
                      Now press the Green button to start CCcam
                      Press Exit to return to the TV
                      Press Menu and select Shutdown followed by Restart
                      When your Dreambox reboots it will use CCcam as the default cam

                      If you still cannot get your CCcam to make a connection to our servers then please contact us.
                      When you contact us please send us your CCcam.cfg file from your receiver and include your public IP address in your message.
                      Your public IP address is

                      CCcam Installation

                      Please follow these simple instructions to install CCcam on your Dreambox

                      In order to use these instructions directly on your Dreambox, you should have installed the Gemini firmware image. If you are not using the Gemini image then we recommend you first install this by following our instructions here.

                      Go to blue panel by pressing blue button on remote
                      Go to Addons. In there you will see download categories which contain cam and cam-config
                      First go to cam and install cccam 2.1.11 or the latest version available
                      Then from cam-config install cccam-config 2.1.11 or the latest version available
                      From blue panel go to top of panel and use left/right buttons to scroll to CCcam 2.1.11 (or the version you have installed above)
                      Now press the Green button to start CCcam
                      Use an FTP program connect to your Dreambox IP address and navigate to the /var/etc directory.
                      In here you will find a file called CCcam.cfg. You must now edit this file
                      In CCcam.cfg you must add the C: line that you were given in the email we sent you
                      Save the changes to CCcam.cfg and overwrite the CCcam.cfg on the Dreambox with the FTP program.

                      Request a 24 hour CCcam trial

                      When choosing a card sharing server, always try and trial the service, ideally for 24 - 48 hours and ideally for free before commiting to any 3, 6, or 12 month "paid up front" commitment, remember, these guys could disappear any time. We recommend paying month-by-month.
                      Simply copy and paste the C: into the configuration file as described above at the bottom of the "Please follow these simple instructions to install CCcam on your Dreambox" section.

                      You can request a trial from BesCardShare, click here for a CardSharing trial.
                      Click the package you are interested in, you will then see the option for a "24 hour trial" click this and then click "Add to Cart", then follow the on screen instructions to complete the order.

                      For diagnostic purposes, your IP address is: and may be useful when contacting your card sharing provider if you are having any connection problems.

                      CCcam Config Editor Software (CCcam.cfg editor)

                      The CCcam Config Editor Software is a very easy to use CCcam.cfg editor.

                      Free Dreambox CCcam.cfg editor program

                      Download the CCcam config editor, free to use with our service.

                      Torrent file: CCcam config editor.


                      Make sure your Dreambox is connected to your network, either with a cross-over cable to your PC or with a straight through cable to your network hub or router. (a good way to check if you are connected is to open your web browser and enter the IP address of the box, if you can see the user interface, you are connected to your box).

                      Tips: Your IP address of the box can be seen on your TV screen, if you go into the Setup/Network menu on the Dreambox.
                      To be able to edit the CCcam.cfg file, you need to have CCcam installed, if you can not find the CCcam.cfg file on your receiver, you may not of installed CCcam correctly.

                      Enter the IP address of your box into the IP address box and then set the Username and Password.
                      Usually these are Username: "root" and Password: "dreambox".

                      We highly recommend that you change the password of your dreambox. Never connect a piece of hardware to the internet without changing the default password. (To change the password, login to your dreambox with a program like 'Putty' free download, again you will need the ip address, enter this into putty and click "SSH" mode and click "Open", then if you are connected ok, it will ask for your Username and password. Once logged in, enter the command "passwd" [Password has to be minimum 5 and maximum 8 letters long, and can consist of UPPERCASE/lowercase letters and numbers]. Once set, this will be your password for everything when connecting to this Dreambox - DONT LOSE IT!).

                      Click "Connect", this will read the CCcam.cfg file into the text box.

                      Enter the C: line that has been sent to you exactly as it is.
                      Do not add any characters to the beginning or end of the line and make sure you paste it on a new line.

                      Tip: Usually you can delete all the text in the CCcam.cfg file then add the C: line to an empty file. The original default CCcam.cfg file has a lot of examples of how to use CCCcam and all the text can be deleted before inserting your C: line.

                      Now click the "Save to Dreambox" to write the changes to your Dreambox.

                      You should now be able to watch TV using the new C: line. If you are having problems viewing channels, now read about setting up the CCcam software and setting CCcam as your default cam (above).

                      The CCcam.cfg editor has been downloaded 846 times since 19th June 2010.

                      Getting CCcam working with NewCamd