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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Satellite Internet Connections
Sharing the Connection
Plain and simple, Satellite connections can not be shared using hardware. Broadband routers do not work with satellite connections because special software needs to be loaded on the computer or device that talks directly to the satellite dish. This is obviously impossible to do with a router.

All software based internet connection
sharing programs should work just fine - just be sure all your satellite software is loaded on your machine that is acting as the server. Also make sure your satellite software is NOT loaded on the other machines.
Ethernet or USB?
If you have a choice, I would probably go with the USB connection on a Windows computer and Ethernet on Linux. This way, only one network card needs to be placed in your computer to enable internet connection sharing. Sometimes it is VERY hard trying to get two network cards to run in a desktop PC without having IRQ conflicts.
Applications, VPN's,Ggames and Satellite LAG
Satellite Internet connections have a sever LAG time associated with them - there's no getting around this. Once you start downloading or uploading, good speeds can be obtained but any application that requires a lot of 'handshaking' will not work well. I would not bother trying to play any multi-player games over a satellite connection, nor would I use any kind of VPN software. Both of these applications in particular require continuous communication handshaking and are therefore almost unusable.
Other Resources:
The best place to find high quality Satellite Internet connection information is DirectPC Uncensored. They cover all the tips, tricks and problems you might run into long the way.  

DirectPC Connection Manager